- Alaskan Natives
- California Indians
- Canada First Nations
- Great Basin Tribes
- Great Plains Tribes
- Northeast Woodland Tribes
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- Plateau Tribes
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- Acolapissa Tribe
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- Ais Tribe
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- Apalachicola Tribe
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- Manahoac Tribe
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- Muskogee Creek Tribe
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- Natchitoches Tribe
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- Okelousa Tribe
- Okmulgee Tribe
- Opelousa Tribe
- Pamlico Tribe
- Pascagoula Tribe
- Pee Dee Tribe
- Pensacola Tribe
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- Potano Tribe
- Quinipissa Tribe
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- Seminole Tribe
- Sewee Tribe
- Shakori Tribe
- Sissipahaw Tribe
- Taensa Tribe
- Tangipahoa Tribe
- Taposa Tribe
- Tequesta Tribe
- Timucua Tribe
- Tioux Tribe
- Tohome Tribe
- Tunica Tribe
- Tutelo Tribe
- Tuscarora Tribe
- Washa Tribe
- Wateree Tribe
- Waxhaw Tribe
- Weapemeoc Tribe
- Woccon Tribe
- Yamasee Tribe
- Yazoo Tribe
- Yustaga Tribe
- Southwest Tribes
- Mexican Tribes
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